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Welcome to Temple B'nai Israel, Petoskey - High Holy Days Online!

Shanah Tovah! Happy New Year!

While the pandemic has kept us from coming together in person*, there will be many opportunities to reflect on our sacred community and grow through prayer and learning. Opportunities to connect will be available via live zoom services and learning sessions, pre-recorded videos, and audio recordings.

In order to avoid screen fatigue, we have restructured where sermons and Torah services will fall. Sermons will be delivered as audio recordings (and in print for accessibility). Torah services will occur at the beginning of Torah study sessions on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. While you are invited to join us for everything, we know that some will pick and choose.

What matters most is that you take the time for yourself to separate these days from your ordinary schedule to treat them as holy. If holy for you means taking a long hike in the woods or along the beach, I encourage you to find time for that. I suggest trying not to work on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. While it is easy to switch back and forth while working from home, this time is for you to be reflective, and you deserve it. When you are not on screen with your Temple B’nai Israel family, try to do things that bring you peace and joy.

Shanah Tovah u'Metukah

Wishing you all a happy and sweet new year!

*While you will not see me in person, there is an opportunity to join together with masks and social distancing for Tashlich. Please click here to see the Temple website for details on this gathering, and the full holiday schedule!


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