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Let there be light!

It is official, I am going to be a Rabbi! Just a few short weeks ago, I interviewed at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion Cincinnati (HUC-JIR) and within days, my acceptance was granted. I have been overwhelmed with joy, celebrating with friends and family, and I thought now was as good of a time as any to share my joy with the world!

Last night, I celebrated the seventh night of Hanukkah (5777) and Shabbat at Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation (IHC), where I belong as a member and work as the communications coordinator. There is something very special about celebrating Hanukkah with my IHC family. Each person brings their own Hanukkiah and candles to light. We set up a long table (covered in foil) and it quickly filled with a variety of Hanukkiah's that showed the many styles and personalities of our members. Each one was filled with eight candles for the seven nights + shamash. Together we shared in the blessing over the candles and lit each and every one. Our sanctuary, our community, and our hearts were filled with light and with hope.

During Hanukkah, we are supposed to share the miracle of the oil with the whole community by placing our Hanukkiah in the window so that all of our neighbors can share in the beauty of the lights. Last night, we shared that light in a different, but very special way.

It is my hope that when I become a Rabbi (and while I study to get there) that I might bring a sort of light into the minds, hearts and communities that I come in contact with.

Follow my journey through school and through life here on my new blog. I will write about my travels in Israel, share delicious Israeli and Kosher recipes that I come across, share thoughts on Torah portions and books I am reading, and so much more.

Shabbat Shalom, Chag Hanukkah, and Happy New Year!

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