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Kids Rosh Hashanah

Shalom kids and parents! While we hope you will make it to the zoom live services, we wanted to provide a special opportunity geared towards our Religious School aged students. Due to the difficulties of screen fatigue and keeping little ones still, we have kept things short. I encourage you to sit down together to enjoy this 15 minute prayer and story session where I introduce the themes of reflection, decision making, and kindness towards others. Scroll below the video to find a list of questions to engage in a conversation with your kids about these High Holy Day Topics!

When you finish watching the video, I encourage you to keep the conversation going. Here are a few questions to get you started:

  • Can you think of something mean or hurtful that you did or said in the past year?

  • Can you think of something kind or caring that you said or did in the past year?

  • What are your hopes for your actions in the coming year?

  • In what ways can you bring more kindness into your home? Your community? Our world?

  • What is the sound of the shofar calling you to do this year? (ie. what is inspiring you right now?)


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